Birthday Musings of a Stay-at-Home Travel Blogger

It’s that time again. It’s my birthday and I’m sitting here reflecting on past birthdays and wondering what the next year will bring. Based on what has transpired so far, it certainly looks like it will be a lot different than any year in the past. Here are some of my random musings as a currently stay-at-home travel blogger.

Two years ago, I was sitting in my living room in northern California looking at my new-to-me travel trailer wondering what I was doing. I was throwing away and giving away so much stuff! I was downsizing in preparation for a journey that was sure to change my life.

The year before that, I was dining solo on my birthday and really contemplating what it means to be an introvert. In case you are one who thinks being an introvert means you are antisocial, let me tell you, it is not about that at all. We just really need our alone time to recharge.

Last year on my birthday, my dad and I went out to dinner. It was the last time we went anywhere together. He passed away the beginning of August and once again, my life was changed forever. Instead of preparing for full time life on the road, I suddenly had a home base of my own. It was not just my dad’s house anymore where I could return occasionally to visit. As it turns out, many full time nomads have decided having a home base is a good idea.

How Plans of a Travel Blogger (or Anyone) Can Change

I had an awesome trip planned for the spring and a second trip for the fall. The spring trip was planned around things like wildflowers, the bat emergence at Bracken Cave, and spring festivals in wine country. I’m just glad that the shutdown started before I left on that trip rather than after I was on the road. It would have been even more disappointing to have to turn around and return home after all the preparation.

My fall trip, which is tentatively scheduled to begin late September, is still very much up in the air. It was planned around two conferences. One has already been canceled and I’m expecting the other one to be canceled also. So far, they say it is going forward as planned, but even if it does, I’m not sure I want to go. My hesitation is not just because of the virus and the large gathering. It is hurricane season along the Gulf Coast and that is the route I would be taking to Louisiana.

When I travel, I’m not like a lot of other RVrs out there. At least not the full time nomads who have YouTube channels. Even though I’m an introvert, I don’t seek solitude in the middle of nowhere. I travel to see new sights and experience everything I can that makes a place unique. Even meeting and talking to locals is part of my agenda. That’s hard to do right now with so many things closed or at decreased capacity. Who knows how this will change by the fall? Do I travel just for travel’s sake if I can’t truly immerse myself in the places I’m visiting?

So, What’s Happening Now?

Normally, when I’m not on the road, I scour my local area for fun and interesting things to do. I have a long list for when things open up but I can’t do a thorough review with things closed or only partially open.

Frankly, the longer the shutdown wears on, the less I feel like even trying to find something to do. I am quite content to stay in my air conditioned house (it’s really hot here in the summer) with my computer, YouTube and TV. I know this isn’t good but I’m sure my enthusiasm will return as soon as travel is rewarding again.

In the meantime, I haven’t become a total slug. I’ve been working around my house. I have done things in my side yard to make it attractive to birds and our resident squirrels to help entertain my cats – OK, and me too. I’ve purchased and installed new window coverings. I’ve done lots of sorting and rearranging in closets and cupboards. Oh my gosh, the kitchen is a challenge! Proof that I’ve been cooking a lot and trying new recipes is the 7 pounds I’ve gained.

excited cat looking out window cat looking out window

Musings of this Stay-at-Home Travel Blogger about Future Plans

I still want to do all the things I had planned to do in Texas this past spring so I am putting them into my 2021 schedule. Texas is a huge state, second in size only to Alaska, and it will take me a long time to see all it has to offer. Only time will tell, as we see things open up more, if my travels will include nearby states any time soon.

At any rate, whatever the future holds, I hope to bring you stories from the Rio Grande Valley, greater Texas or even beyond before too long.

Oh, and if you are wondering what I’m doing for my birthday, a friend and I are going out for what will surely be an awesome steak dinner.

I hope you enjoyed, or at least can identify with, the random musings of a stay-at-home travel blogger who is missing travel!

Be well and make plans to get up and get out as soon as that is possible wherever you are!

grass and tree trunk with text overlay: Birthday usings of a Stay-at-Home Travel Blogger
barbecue ribs and loaded qualiflower mash with text overlay: Birthday Musings of a Stay-at-Home Travel Blogger

Until next time…

Thank you for sharing!

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