Electric Bike and the Solo Senior Female Traveler Saga

Back in 2019, when I was planning my RV trip, I saw lots of YouTube videos about electric bikes. One brand in particular, Lectric eBikes, caught my attention. Lots of nomads that I follow reviewed their bikes and just raved about them. I thought an electric bike would be a really fun way to get around campgrounds and other places I stayed on my trip. Lectric eBikes was selling their bikes through a Kickstarter at an amazing price so I decided to jump on it.

Electric bike with text overlay: Electric Bike and the Solo Senior Female Traveler Does the saga have a happy ending?

Electric Bike Purchase in 2019

I had to wait several months for the bike to be shipped. It finally arrived, just in time for my trip. Unboxing it was exciting and relatively easy! You can see from the video that it was easy to do by myself. It took longer to remove all the packaging than to actually put the bike together. (Sorry, not the best quality video. At the time, I didn’t expect to be using it for anything except my own memory.)

There was no time to set it up and test it out before I left but I figured it couldn’t be that hard to do once I arrived some where.

I didn’t have a good place to keep it in the trailer but it fit well in the back of my Dodge. Just one problem. Even though it is only 60 pounds, that’s quite a lot for me. I like to think I’m still as strong as I used to be but that’s just not the case. Besides the weight, it is a little awkward. When it is folded, there’s no way to latch it together so when you lift it, it wants to unfold.

Since it was brand new, I didn’t want to bang it up trying to get it in the car so I got help putting it in. Even with help it was quite a struggle. There in lies the second problem. Once it was in, I was afraid to take it out. I worried that I would not be able to get it back in by myself. Being a solo senior female traveler can have its drawbacks!

So, I carted this not-so-cheap electric bike over 1400 miles, all the way to Oklahoma and back, and never once took it out of my car!

Life of the Electric Bike in 2020

For much of 2020, the bike lived in my screened porch. Eventually, I ordered a cover for it and moved it to the covered patio out back. There it sat, out of sight, out of mind.

The Saga Continues in 2021

Now, here it is 2021. In fact, 2021 is more than half over. That means I’ve had the bike for nearly two years. Since I came back from my trip in 2019, the bike has been moved from one location to another but still NEVER ridden. Can you believe that? It’s been on my list to do something with it ever since, but it just hasn’t been a priority.

I don’t know why I didn’t start riding it here when I got back but I just didn’t. Maybe the universe was trying to protect me from it! Once I started planning my October trip, I moved it up in priority on my list. I finally spent the time to get it ready to ride – properly inflate tires, check all bolts, check chain, adjust controls, and adjust height of handlebars and seat – and this happened on my maiden voyage:

I had to mute the audio! Big knots on my elbow and knee were my reward for finally getting this item checked off my list. I forgot how heavy the bike is and when I stepped off, the 60+ pounds of bike continued to push me to the ground. I’m becoming more and more convinced that this bike is not for me!

Electric bike

If I try to take it on my fall trip, I will still have the same problems of weight and awkwardness. And now, I have a newer car that I don’t know if I want to put it in. I really would prefer to get a bike carrier for it but after lots of research, I just haven’t found anything I think would work. I would still have the problem of lifting it onto the bike rack.

Does this Saga have a Happy Ending?

So, how will this saga end? Should I just sell the electric bike and be glad I’m still in one piece? Would something smaller and lighter, like an electric scooter, be a good option? Should I forget the whole thing and just plan to get around on my own power at camp sites? The whole idea of getting the electric bike was for a fun activity while I am camped. Right now, it just doesn’t seem like much fun.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and any recommendations in the comments below.

rear view of electric bike with text overlay: Electric Bike and the Solo Senior Female Traveler Does the saga have a happy ending?

Until next time…

Thank you for sharing!


  1. My other half bought us ebikes so we could go a bit further under our own steam during lockdown. They were rarely used – especially his, and it was all his idea! I think his has been out only once in 2021 – mine a little more often.
    Yes, the problem of folding it up, hoisting it into the car or camper, and out again, doesn’t really appeal – so we haven’t tried it.
    So, two electric bikes, taking up the whole of the porch, generally sitting there doing nothing except being charged up from time to time. Why did we buy them?
    Oh, but they do make it easier to go uphill when we do take them out!

    • I won’t say I’m glad but at least I’m not the only one! I still haven’t decided what to do with mine but it hasn’t been out since I wrote this post.

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