Most Viewed Posts of 2017

My top ten most viewed posts of 2017 include stories about historic places, amazing food and fun and interesting things to do in Gold Country.

Last year, when I wrote a post about my most viewed posts of 2016, the blog had only been in operation for just under 10 months. During that time, I wrote 34 posts, an average of over three a month. I didn’t meet my goal of at least four posts per month but I was pleased with the quality of what I had put out. When I sat down to figure out my most viewed posts of 2017, I was a little shocked to see that during 2017 I only published 32 posts for the whole year. That’s way below my goal of four per month. Consistency is definitely my biggest short coming when it comes to blogging, but I believe in quality over quantity. I…

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My Gold Country Spring Bucket List

If you are like me, you see something fun and interesting to do, talk about it, then forget about it. At least that’s what happens to me with a lot of things. I’ve been doing better so far this year, checking out event calendars at least a month ahead and actually scheduling them on my calendar. Things are pretty quiet here in the winter. Oh, there are always things to do, but things really start to hop in the spring. There are some things I missed last year that I definitely want to do this year. Here are the events on my agenda so far for spring. My Spring Bucket List Start on Steiner – 4/9 Start on Steiner is a wine tasting celebration of spring put…

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