Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas

Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas, has more than 1500 animals, representing nearly 400 species, and is known for its success in breeding endangered wildlife.

Zoos may be a controversial issue for some but I absolutely love them and appreciate what they do. I love being able to see animals I would never otherwise see in the wild and that may, in fact, not exist in the wild in the near future. I won’t apologize to anyone who doesn’t agree with me for feeling this way. So, if you feel strongly that animals should only exist in the wild until humans wipe them off the face of the earth, please just pass this post on by. I’m going to tell you about the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas, and the important work they do. I grew up in southern California and visited the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park…

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Animal Enrichment at the Sacramento Zoo

The Sacramento Zoo had a special animal enrichment event in celebration of Valentine's Day. The orangutans made the most of it. Check them out.

I have always loved going to the zoo. When I lived in Southern California, I went to the San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park frequently. Even though it was about 90 minutes away, I had season passes some years. When Kelly told me she saw a special animal enrichment event coming up at the Sacramento Zoo in celebration of Valentine’s Day, I said I was definitely in. It has been raining here almost nonstop for weeks so we were quite lucky to have a beautiful, sunny day for our outing. The Zoo was very easy to get to but I thought the entrance was a little hidden as we almost drove past it. There didn’t seem to be an official parking lot, at least…

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